Monday, May 4, 2009

Seize the Day

Carpe Diem! I always loved that phrase even before Dead Poet's Society. And that is precisely what I am doing...seizing the day. To those who follow my blog, I apologize that I have been "out to lunch!" All is well although time is at a premium which is why I haven't been blogging. But it is all good. Busy hands are happy hands in my world.

Saturday's Mentor Walk that Jr League held at UCCS, in spite of the weather, was a rewarding venture. I met many amazing women as well as up and coming amazing women to be. Many women expressed interest and support for the mentoring program that is in the developmental stage. I am looking forward to the brainstorming session later this month with prominent community leaders.

The Colorado Springs Women’s Express Network continues to thrive. At this weeks meeting, the nominating committee will hold elections for next years leadership. The nominating committee did a phenomenal job and presented a slate of leaders that are sure to take CSWEN to higher levels. Way to go!!! Remember reservations can be made at but if not made by the end of the day on Tuesday, May 5, the price jumps from $25.00 to $35.00.

I will be attending an Action Coach event this Thursday evening, with Janna Hoiberg. It will be a fun and mind provocative event as we play Leverage to enhance our business awareness.

There is an interesting seminar coming up “How to Use Social Media for Networking and Business Success” Presented By: Kevin Knebl, Knebl Communications Wednesday, May 13 5:45p to 7:30p at Tri-Lakes Business Incubator, Colorado Springs, Colorado. I have not met Kevin yet, except on line, but I am told by a very reliable source that he is brilliant.

The Chamber of Commerce Small Business Expo is on May 24th at Phil Long Expo. Chamber info is at They also have an event calendar. CSWEN will have a table at this event.

Nice catching up with you. But remember, you may not get the most current information here as I have to start studying for the bar exam soon