Monday, November 24, 2008

When the student is ready, the teacher will come.

I have found in my life that when I think that I am running the show, I have to have the same lesson presented to me over and over again until I get it. Often times, the lesson has to become more pronounced and the consequences of my failure to learn the lesson become more severe. But then there is that “aha” moment when I get it. And I thank my God that the lessons have persisted long enough and without too severe a consequence and that I now have a new tool in my toolbox.

I think perhaps that is what is happening right now with our economy. We, as Americans have not been paying close enough attention to what is in our best interest. We have become frivolous and glutenous in our consumption of material things.

What better time of year to rid ourselves of those bad habits then the holiday season. This year, just maybe, we will come closer to recognizing the real gratitude lesson that we have given lip service to in the past, but have not held onto once the Thanksgiving meal is off the table. This year my shopping will be with the reality that others close to me cannot shop at all as they have lost their job, their home or are close to doing so. Many of my friends and I will not be gifting each other at all, but rather giving money to charity instead.

I hear people say, we have seen this economic crunch before. May I suggest that the race this time is not going to be a sprint, but a marathon. For anyone who has ever run a marathon, you know that there will be moments of highs and even more moments of lows. Some may find a point where he or she is ready to give up as they are weighed down by the insecurities and doubts that slow us down in this life. Let’s pull together and realize that we are not running this race alone. Let’s surround those who are in this same race but struggling with greater fear and pain. Perhaps together we can learn this important lesson for the last time and live our lives accordingly in the future! Wouldn't that make for a wonderful holiday gift for us all?

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