Friday, December 26, 2008

Bigger, Better, Brighter and More

The holidays are rushing by and I have not had a chance to catch up with my blog. This time of year means different things to different people. For me, the older I get, the more I love this season. I love the snow on the ground and being able to bundle up. I love spending time with family (especially when it involves five days at Starbucks Ranch and watching the Clydesdales romp in the snow).

I love thinking about how my life has changed for the better with each new season. I also love the hope that grows into bigger, better, brighter and more. Now mind you, I am not talking bigger, better, brighter and more in the sense of "stuff." I am talking about an abundant hope that can only come from within. With the coming of the new year, I choose to focus on the weeding, pruning, and reshaping of my life. What needs to be to cut out? What hinders my path? What diminishes who I want to be?

Thus, I would like to share with you what I choose to focus on for my New Year from a study on “peace of mind” by Duke University. This is my starting point for my New Year and my being bigger, better, brighter and more:

1. I must learn forgiveness and work harder on not taking offense or holding onto resentment.

2. I have to let go of past mistakes and failures as only through those challenges have I become who I am now.

3. I have to invest my time and talent in places where I can make a difference and not waste time and energy fighting conditions I cannot change. I must cooperate with life.

4. I must force myself to stay involved with the world and resist the temptation to withdraw and become reclusive because it is safer emotionally.

5. I must refuse to indulge in self pity when my life encounters some sorrow or misfortune.

6. I must continue to cultivate the old fashioned virtues of love, humor, compassion and loyalty.

7. I have to stop expecting too much of myself and be proud of my accomplishments.

8. I need to continue focusing on and believing in something bigger than myself.


Carly Barron said...

Such a great blog, Mom. You are so wise. May God continue gardening in all of us.

I love you!! Happy New Year!

dcarter said...

What a great reminder of the true values we need to pursue personally. Thank you Cri. You are an awesome woman! Donna Irene