Sunday, October 26, 2008


RSVP for the next Express Network meeting of the American Business Women's Association on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14. This month's program features Mandy Egolf of Via Voce. Mandy is a communication coach and will be providing practical strategies for improving your communication style. Meeting starts with Networking at 11:30. This is the new ABWA group in town and yours truly is the charter President!! Dynamic, exciting meeting at the exquisite Garden of the Gods Club. RSVP at no later than Tuesday November 11.

Women in Business Breakfast Holiday Event at Gallery Two Ten on Thursday, December 11th at 5:30 p.m. No regular meetings will be held in November and December because our meeting day is on the actual holidays and we all will be busy generating holiday cheer for our loved ones. Keep posted for further details!!!!

GET IN SHAPE WITH FRIENDS IN TRAINING. I don't know about you but gaining pounds during the holiday season scares me. So in conjunction with the Entrepreneur Club, you can get a discount on membership at Gold's Gym. Email me at if you are interested.

The American Business Women's Association will hold a Holiday Gala at Tansi's, the newest and classiest boutique in the springs. Mark your calendars now for Friday, DECEMBER 12th 6 PM to 8 PM. If you are not an ABWA member and would like to attend, please contact me at and I will get an invitation to you.

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